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Recenzja Bukmachera Dla Graczy Z Polski”

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Przywrócenie dostępu do konta jest załatwiane prywatnie. Blokada konta jest środkiem ostatecznym, jeśli administracja ją stosuje, to prawdopodobnie ma jednoznaczne dowody na nieuczciwość gracza. Na początku, podejrzany o przestępstwo może mieć anulowane zakłady lub ograniczone wypłaty. Pomoc techniczna t MostBet odpowiada szybko i dokładnie rozpatruje spory, ale gracz będzie musiał przedstawić dowód swojej dobrej wiary w danej kwestii. Zakłady em żywo są dostępne głównie w sytuacji najpopularniejszych dyscyplin sportowych, a na pewno znajdziecie tam zakłady na bieżące mistrzostwa. Nie ma transmisji, ale są szczegółowe” “statystyki meczów na ekranie głównym i t trzech dodatkowych zakładkach.

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Tak, zarówno w formie bonusu bez depozytu, grunzochse i darmowych spinów z darmowymi zakładami. Projekt posiada aplikację mobilną MostBet mhh Androida i iOS.. Program jest darmowy i w pełni odwzorowuje funkcjonalność serwisu. W związku z tym procedura uzupełniania konta jest podobna. Tak, tylko gracze w wieku 20 lat lub starsi mogą grać w gry i zakłady w kasynie. MostBet posiada wysokiej jakości program bonusowy unces nagrodami zarówno dla nowych graczy yak i stałych kasyno online.

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Właściciele iPhone’ów i innych urządzeń z systemem iOS mogą pobrać aplikację zarówno unces głównego portalu MostBet,, jak i z . serwisu AppStore. Rejestracja konta przebiega według tego samego schematu. Po aktywacji konta, nowy klient MostBet będzie mógł zalogować się na oficjalnej stronie z komputera lub laptopa. Następnie gracze wybierają zakłady przedmeczowe, długoterminowe i actually na żywo.

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Zebraliśmy kilka opinii graczy na temat najbardziej popularnych stron MostBet opinie, gdzie gracze mogą oceniać na stronę MostBet. Nie ma żadnych ograniczeń, aby zainstalować tę aplikację. Możesz pobrać ją bezpośrednio na urządzenie mobilne lub pobrać plik apk na computer i przenieść move na telefon za pomocą dowolnej dostępnej metody.

  • Przyjrzymy się jakie korzyści daje graczom to oprogramowanie, jak proces pracy z nim różni się od gry przez stronę internetową czy wersję mobilną.
  • Użytkownik musi mieć em swoim saldzie co najmniej 20 zł.
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4 Best Places To Buy Plain T-Shirts For T-Shirt Printing

4 Best Places To Buy Plain T-Shirts For T-Shirt Printing

No one can ever go wrong with plain t-shirts. They are comfortable, go with everything and anything, and never go out of style. Even if you don’t view yourself as a minimalist or someone who doesn’t keep up with fashion trends, you definitely have one or two simple, plain t-shirts in your closet. They can also come in handy on days when you feel like you have nothing to wear or lack the inspiration to come up with a stylish fit. In the context of t-shirt printing, a plain t-shirt is no doubt necessary as you’ll need a blank canvas in order to showcase your design and prints.

There’s no lack of clothing stores in Singapore when it comes to getting your hands on plain t-shirts. As there’s a wide variety of styles and colours to choose from, you can take your time to pick out a plain t-shirt that best suits your body type and preferences. Just make sure that the material is suitable for humid weather, considering that you’ll want to stay cool at the end of the day.

As such, here are some of our recommended places for plain t-shirts.

1. Uniqlo

Should you even be surprised? There are some people who only fill up their closets with Uniqlo t-shirts, and there’s a good reason why they do so. Not only are Uniqlo’s clothing pieces extremely comfortable, but they’re also relatively good quality and worth every penny. Plain t-shirts are designed to last a lifetime in the closet, so it makes sense that they should not be prone to wear and tear quickly.

We specifically recommend their “AIRism” product line, specially designed to be smooth and quick-drying to combat humidity. If you sweat excessively, the ‘AIRism” t-shirts are for you.


Another company hailing from Japan, MUJI is known for many things, from stationery and furniture to food and, in this case, clothes. Similar to Uniqlo, MUJI does not focus on dishing out overly trendy clothing pieces that can only last a season. Here, clothes are functional, simplistic, and affordable.

The reason why we can’t leave out this brand is due to the fact that you can find them everywhere. MUJI has multiple outlets throughout Singapore, including Paragon, Changi Airport, and Raffles City. As such, let’s say you have an emergency and require basic t-shirts in a jiffy. MUJI surely has got your back.

3. Eco Staples

Eco Staples is the place to go for the environmentally conscious shopper. Nowadays, more and more people are becoming aware of fashion’s impact on our planet, and are taking bolder initiatives to reduce their carbon footprint. For those trying to build a sustainable and minimalist closet, Eco Staples’ signature t-shirts are a good start as they are made from Bamboo Lyocell, a highly eco-friendly fabric due to its greener growing process, which produces less wastage.

Compared to the two stores mentioned above, Eco Staples’ t-shirts are slightly more expensive, though that’s commonly expected with eco-friendly products. However, if sustainability is something you care about, and you are looking for t-shirts that look and feel great, you can consider Eco Staples’ t-shirts as investments.

4. Direct T Shirt

At Direct T Shirt, we provide more than just t-shirt printing services. We understand that some of our clients may appreciate the efficiency and would like their t-shirt printing orders to be completed on time and without any issues. This is where our collection of t-shirts comes in – available in different styles, colours, materials, and sizes. In fact, our sizes range from 2XS all the way up to 3XL, ensuring inclusivity.

Whether you are looking for cotton round necks or dri fit polo tees, Direct T Shirt helps simplify your t-shirt printing process by offering plain t-shirts from the start. Since there are dri fit polo tees offered in our store, it goes without saying that we do provide dri fit polo tee printing services as well, alongside many others.


Besides going for a bamboo t-shirt, there are other ways to take a more sustainable approach to your t-shirt printing process. One effective way for your t-shirts to be friendlier to the environment is to opt for DTG printing in Singapore, one of the printing techniques offered at Direct T Shirt. As DTG (direct to garment) printing uses water-based inks and is an automated process, it does not further pollute the air and create wastage, yet you can achieve high-quality prints.

To find out more about our services and products, reach out to us at 94577551 or email

How To Wash Printed T-Shirts To Prevent Fading And Cracking

How To Wash Printed T-Shirts To Prevent Fading And Cracking

Custom t-shirts display more than just colours. They also come in a wide variety of graphics and printed designs that make each one truly unique. However, living in a humid country like Singapore can be bad news for printed t-shirts as the graphics are at risk of cracking and fading due to the scorching heat and humidity. And let’s be honest. No one wishes their printed designs to lose their vibrancy and appearance over time.

Well, not all hope is lost as there are a few ways to protect your t-shirts from such fates. As long as you follow the steps listed in this article and implement them in your laundry cycle, we can assure you that your t-shirts can last forever in your closet, and you don’t have to constantly purchase a new one every other week.

1. Flip t-shirts inside out

This step takes only a few seconds, but it does wonders in protecting the printed designs from the harsh washing process. By flipping the t-shirts inside out before tossing them inside the washing machine, you’re preventing the graphics from scratching and colliding with other clothing pieces that can potentially lead to cracking and fading. You can also consider turning non-printed t-shirts inside out as this prevents lint and pilling from occurring as well.

2. Use cold water

Washing clothes with cold water is a long-held belief that should be observed to this day. When it comes to washing your clothing pieces in general (not just printed t-shirts), avoid hot water at all costs, as the high temperatures can cause bright colours to fade and lose their vibrancy over time. What’s more, hot water can result in certain types of fabrics shrinking, such as polyester and nylon, due to the heat breaking down the fibres.

As such, use cold water instead to stop the fading of colours and potential shrinkage. Another benefit of cold water is that it can minimise wrinkles, on top of saving your electricity bills as well.

3. Pour as little detergent as possible

The thing is, the most effective way to prevent discolouration and cracking of printed details is to reduce the number of times you wash your printed t-shirts. However, this might not be possible for everyone and largely depends on several factors, like lifestyle and environment. Therefore, we turn to the next best option, which is to wash our clothing pieces as gently as possible. Aside from flipping the t-shirts inside out, you can use just a slight amount of detergent.

This is because some detergents contain incredibly harsh chemicals that can negatively affect your t-shirts by causing the colours and graphics to bleed during the washing process. For those with sensitive skin, detergents can also pose another threat by irritating the skin.

4. Keep your t-shirts away from direct sunlight

Some people may think drying clothes the old-fashioned way under the sun is the “right” method. Whether you prefer using a dryer or hanging your clothes out under the sun, there’s really no right or wrong way to dry your clothes, though you should keep in mind to avoid placing your clothes, specifically graphic-printed clothing, under harsh sunlight. The heat from the sun can not only stretch out your t-shirts and make them lose their tautness and elasticity, but also result in colours and designs fading and cracking.


If you’re looking for a professional t-shirt printing provider with the highest ratings on Google Reviews, Direct T Shirt is the one to engage with. Operating for more than 20 years at Geylang East Industrial Estate while offering services for online t-shirt printing in Singapore at the same time, our past customers continue coming back due to our no minimum policy, quick turnaround time, and wide range of t-shirt printing methods available.

Why Workplaces Should Implement Gender-Neutral Uniforms

Why Workplaces Should Implement Gender-Neutral Uniforms

At a time when societal norms are constantly evolving and becoming less strict, we are looking towards achieving gender equality. While most people may only think of gender equality as equal wages and rights, one aspect that’s commonly overlooked is the clothes we wear. Yes, fashion does play a part in gender stereotypes and perceptions, and can carry an unconscious bias against one gender. If you’re a business owner or planning to produce work uniforms for your employees, you may want to consider taking a step toward progressiveness by adopting gender-neutral clothing. Here are just some of the reasons why you should do so.

1. Create a sense of identity among employees 

When everyone wears the same article of clothing, it reinforces the impression that all employees are equal, and no one is “better” or “has a higher status” than the other. This helps to set up an environment where employees feel and believe they have the same chances and opportunities to succeed, which can boost their morale and motivation to work harder.

Let’s say uniforms for women are adorned with more feminine colours and dainty details, whereas the men’s uniforms appear more masculine and bold. This can not only psychologically impact female employees that they are taken less seriously at work, but also unintentionally create a divide between the male and female employees. At the end of the day, all workplaces should strive for their employees to share a common identity, and one way to do so is by implementing gender-neutral uniforms.

2. Establish a cohesive workplace culture 

A cohesive workplace culture occurs when employees have a sense of belonging to the company and enjoy strong relationships with their colleagues. As mentioned above, gender-neutral uniforms can make employees feel equal, which is already the first step to attaining a cohesive workplace. Gender-neutral uniforms can further strengthen this by encouraging employees to practise open communication, have greater trust in one another, and possess a team mentality through constant collaboration. We can assure you that in no time, your employees will feel more appreciated and satisfied being in the company.

3. Less discriminatory 

Whether you’re supportive or not, it’s important to respect people’s pronouns and gender identity. No longer are male and female the only two gender identities, as more and more people are identifying with a range of pronouns, from non-binary to gender-neutral. If companies uphold a firm dress code, in which male and female employees wear their respective uniforms, this can make it uncomfortable for those who don’t align with a specific gender. Therefore, it’s simply easier to adopt gender-neutral uniforms to avoid any confusion and accidental offence.

4. More economical

Looking at it in a practical way, implementing gender-neutral uniforms is also a more economical option as you don’t have to spend on two different uniforms and designs. As you’ll be likely to print the t-shirts in large quantities, this also allows you to place your order in bulk with the t-shirt printing manufacturer, which is always much less of a hassle and allows you to cut costs on your t-shirt printing order.


At Direct T Shirt, our dedication to providing professional direct to garment printing singapore services for over 20 years ensures that your custom t-shirts are of the highest quality. We can attest to that by our highly rated reviews on Google Reviews. Aside from catering to a wide range of designs and colours, we also offer DTG printers for sale, as part of our services in DTG printing in Singapore. To find out more about our services and products, you can reach out to us at 94577551

These Are The Best T-Shirt Materials For Humid Weather

These Are The Best T-Shirt Materials For Humid Weather

We get it. Singapore can get unbearably hot at times, to the extent that we want to take off our clothes. However, of course, this isn’t possible unless you’re planning to take a dip in the pool, so the next best thing we can do is to wear clothes that are not only comfortable, but also breathable and lightweight to provide us with good air circulation. This is why choosing suitable fabrics is so important, as the material of your t-shirt can help you stay cool and enjoy the outdoors under the sun.

As such, in this article, we’ll be looking at some of the best t-shirt materials that are perfect for warm, humid weather like in Singapore.

1. Cotton

Cotton is, by far, the best you can select when it comes to cooling fabrics. Cotton is a natural thermal insulator, trapping air with it and reducing heat transfer to your body. What’s more, the material soaks up the sweat your body produces, allowing you to stay dry for longer. Combined with the fact that cotton is both soft and lightweight, you can look forward to wearing it on without having to feel stuffy. Oh, and did we mention that cotton is also great for t-shirt printing?

Do note that cotton gets wrinkled rather easily, so we recommend using a clothes hanger or folding your cotton t-shirts well in order to avoid ironing them daily. Otherwise, go for a cotton-polyester blend, as it’s more wrinkle-free and less fussy to work with.

2. Linen

Have you noticed that most outdoor furniture is designed with linen? Well, the simple reason is that linen has excellent cooling and absorbent properties. Linen can be called cotton’s twin as they share the same qualities, such as being a breathable fabric, and are loosely woven to allow heat to escape from the body. The only difference is that linen has a stiffer structure, though this can be an advantage for people who like their clothing pieces to be of a looser fit and don’t stick to the body as much.

3. Dri-fit

Dri-fit was invented in the early 2000s by the sportswear brand, Nike, and has since gone on to become a favourite among athletes and fitness and outdoor enthusiasts due to its sweat-wicking and heat-protection capabilities. Dri-fit is essentially a high-performance microfibre polyester material that draws sweat away from the body and to the fabric’s surface. If by any chance your dri-fit t-shirt does get wet, no fret, as the material dries incredibly fast, making it a great fabric for summertime.

4. Silk

For a more luxurious fabric for formal wear, silk is the material you should choose. Silk has temperature-regulating properties, making it a highly versatile material that works for both warm and cold weather. During humid weather, silk helps to keep your body cool, while during the colder months, it can help you to stay warm. As silk may not be as breathable or sweat-proof as cotton and dri-fit, we recommend wearing it during the evening, when the weather is relatively cooler.


At Direct T Shirt, our online t-shirt printing services include a wide selection of cotton and dri-fit round necks and polo t-shirts. As we strive to cater to more people, all our t-shirts come in various colours and from sizes 2XS to 3XL. However, if you do have a particular t-shirt you’ll like to print, we can attend to them as well through our t-shirt printing methods, such as silkscreen printing, embroidery, and heat transfer, to name a few. Being the highest-rated t-shirt printing manufacturer on Google Reviews, Direct T Shirt is one of the few to offer DTG printing in Singapore.

Tips And Tricks To Cut Costs On Your T-Shirt Printing Order

Tips And Tricks To Cut Costs On Your T-Shirt Printing Order

People order customised t-shirts for various occasions, from corporate team building days and roadshows to school events and as class t-shirts. The possibilities are truly endless and people are encouraged to tap into their creative sides to come up with a cool t-shirt design that stands out from the crowd. Now, here’s the catch, though. Customised t-shirts (or any customised items, really) have a reputation for being costly, and if you don’t do sufficient research or plan ahead, this can be a huge problem, especially for students looking for cheap class tee printing services.

However, no fret, as we’re here to help by providing a few tips and tricks on how you can ensure not to exceed your budget the next time you’re ordering custom t-shirts.

1. Be practical about your orders

Similar to how we don’t mind splurging on high-quality basic clothing pieces that can last a lifetime, it’s advisable to set aside a certain amount of money for customised t-shirts that you know you’ll be keeping in your closet for long periods. This is “cost per wear”, which indicates the value of your clothing piece by how many times you wear it. Essentially, the more times you wear a clothing piece, the more worth it becomes.

If your custom t-shirts are only to be worn for a single occasion, such as for promotional giveaways and industry events, going for a cheaper option is the practical thing to do. This point isn’t necessarily about cutting costs on your t-shirt printing orders, but about making the most out of your custom t-shirts.

2. Place your order in advance

You may think that placing an order a few months ahead is too ludicrous, but you never know when there will be a t-shirt shortage or if you require the t-shirts ahead of the original schedule. In order to avoid such situations and pay for rush fees, it’s better to place your t-shirt printing order in advance.

 3. Order in bulk

The common marketing slogan “buy more, save more” applies to t-shirt printing services as well. When you purchase more customised t-shirts, the cost of each t-shirt becomes cheaper. Most t-shirt printing suppliers like Direct T Shirt also offer discounts for bulk orders, so you can expect to lower your per t-shirt cost by a large margin.

4. Print in just one location

As expected, the more designs the custom t-shirt has, the more expensive it will be as there needs to be more labour, and the process is more time-consuming. If you’re planning to have a double-sided imprint on your t-shirts, be prepared to spend a little more. Otherwise, try to settle for a t-shirt design that only consists of one design in one specific location, be it on the front, back, or sleeve.

5. Choose the right printing method

There’s a wide variety of t-shirt printing methods available, and each one is different from the others. Some t-shirt printing methods may suit your needs more, while others may not be as efficient and only drive the costs up. For example, if your custom t-shirt has to be of a vibrant colour, you may want to go with DTF or DTG printing for the best results. On the other hand, silkscreen printing is suitable for large quantity orders as they offer durability and are less costly in bulk, making it perfect for class t-shirts and uniforms.


Aside from these points mentioned above, it’s also important to find a reliable t-shirt printing supplier to get the job done well and economically. This is where Direct T Shirt comes in, providing high-quality yet affordable t-shirt printing services for many purposes and occasions. While you can find us at our physical store at Geylang East Avenue 3, we also offer online t-shirt printing in Singapore, with a quick turnaround time.

5 Things To Consider Before Printing Your Custom Polo Shirt

5 Things To Consider Before Printing Your Custom Polo Shirt

As it’s safe to say that polo shirts look good on all body types and will never go out of style, it should come as no surprise that polo shirts are and will always be popular among men and women around the world. From schools to large-scale companies, polo shirts have been relied on for many purposes as a form of comfortable clothing. Whether you’re planning to engage with polo shirt printing services for a corporate event, business purposes, or simply to create a customised shirt for your personal use, it’s important to bear in mind a few considerations before going ahead with the production process. As such, here are some essential things to consider before deciding to print your custom polo shirt.

1. Type of material

Contrary to popular belief, polo shirts are not just made out of cotton. Instead, polo shirts can be made with a variety of fabrics, namely polyester, a 50/50 cotton-polyester blend, dri-fit, and performance polyester. Despite all these fabrics coming with their own advantages and disadvantages, the main factors you should look at in determining the right one are the environment and usage.

For example, if your polo shirt is meant to be worn mostly indoors, such as in the office, or for non-vigorous activities, the most suitable material would be 50/50 cotton-polyester blend or any other blended fabrics. This is because blended materials tend to be longer-lasting, aren’t able to crease, and most importantly, can be washed easily. On the other hand, for outdoor use or for those living in humid countries like Singapore, we recommend going with cotton as it is not only lightweight and airy, but also breathable, promoting air circulation around the body.

2. Length of sleeve

Similar to the point mentioned above, you should decide on your sleeve length based on the intended purpose of your custom polo shirt. Let’s say your t-shirt is designed for cycling or other activities that require you to stand under the sun for long periods of time. In such cases, a long-sleeved polo shirt makes sense as the additional coverage can protect your arms and hands from potentially getting sunburnt.

Some companies and schools may also prefer longer sleeves as they’re more conservative in fashion, which may seem more professional. However, if you’re leaning towards a more casual look, feel free to opt for shorter sleeves.

3. Size and fit

This applies especially to those who are purchasing bulk orders for multiple people. As everyone’s body sizes are different, it’s best to search for a t-shirt printing provider that’s able to accommodate or offers a wide range of sizes. At Direct T Shirt, our polo shirts range from 2XS to 3XL, ensuring that no one is excluded from receiving their custom polo shirts. Remember, an ideal shirt size should fit snugly on the wearer and not too tightly that it becomes uncomfortable.

4. Polo shirt colours and printed designs

Aside from the usual neutral colours, such as black, grey, and white, a polo t-shirt printing provider should also extend their colour range to include vibrant and non-conventional shades. This allows you to have more options to choose from and the flexibility to explore various designs. However, that being said, do make sure that your designs and detailings are in contrast with the colour of your polo shirt in order for them to stand out and be noticed clearly.

5. Printing time 

Some people may fail to remember that customised polo shirts require some time to produce, not to mention being delivered to you. Even if a t-shirt printing provider can complete your order in a week, there may be a possibility of mishaps occurring, delaying the process. Hence, it’s recommended that you place an order in advance. If something crops up, at least you have some buffer days for negotiation.


Printing customised polo shirts can be an overwhelming affair. If you find yourself having difficulty proceeding with your custom polo shirts, no fret, as Direct T Shirt has your back. As the highest-rated t-shirt printing business based on Google Reviews, Direct T Shirt offers one of the fastest printing services in Singapore. In addition, as we do not enforce a minimum order, we can produce from just one custom polo shirt to hundreds.

DTF Printing Vs. DTG Printing: What’s The Difference?

DTF Printing Vs. DTG Printing: What's The Difference?

You’ve probably heard of DTG (direct-to-garment) printing, but how about DTF printing? No worries if this is your first time encountering these two words, as we’ll give the lowdown on this latest printing method. DTF printing stands for direct-to-film printing, and, as the name suggests, is a technique that prints your desired design onto a film before transferring it to the t-shirt of your choice. Since DTG printing and DTF printing sound pretty similar, it’s common for people to mistake the two as being the same thing, which is not true. Therefore, in order to clear up any misconceptions, we’ve provided a comparison between the two for you to analyse their differences. 

Pre-treatment process

DTG printing and DTF printing differ right from the start when it comes to their pre-treatment processes. If you are going for DTG printing, the garments have to be pre-treated, whereas this step is unnecessary for DTF printing. This is because, for DTG printing, the designs are printed directly onto the fabric, and by pre-treating it, the ink can settle well and the risk of transfer is reduced. This treatment is activated by heating the garment.

Fabric and colour options

In terms of fabric options, DTF printing outshines DTG printing. Unlike DTG printing which can only produce designs on garments made from at least 50% cotton, DTF printing is compatible with just about any other fabrics, such as polyester, genuine leather, silk, to name a few. This makes DTF printing highly versatile, especially with its capability to transfer high-quality colours even onto dark-coloured fabrics. Of course, this does not mean that DTG printing is unable to work with dark-coloured materials. The only downside is that the printed colours may be slightly dull compared to those generated through DTF printing.

Volume of production

One of the most significant benefits of DTG printing is that DTG printers are incredibly efficient, allowing large bulk of clothing to be printed quickly. Hence, DTG printing is a suitable printing method for those looking to produce huge volumes of clothing pieces simultaneously.

At Direct T Shirt, we have on sale a DTG printer in Singapore, which may come in handy for businesses that have to print out customised t-shirts or uniforms on a regular basis.

Appearance and feel

At the end of the day, what’s important is the ultimate appearance and feel of the garments and their designs. With DTG printing, the clothing piece tends to have a coarser texture as the designs and inks are incorporated into the fabric. On the other hand, DTF printing uses an adhesive power to enable the designs to stick onto the garment, giving off a shinier and almost plastic-like appearance. None is better than the other, so it ultimately depends on what you prefer and what result you’re going for.


Considering that DTF printing does not require a pre-treatment process, the overall cost is less than that of DTG printing. Furthermore, DTF printing features less white ink consumption, requiring 60% colour ink and 40% white ink. White ink is expensive and accounts for most of the printing cost. In comparison, DTG printing needs 200% white ink.


DTG printing comes with its own benefits, though there’s no denying that DTF printing is gaining ground. At Direct T Shirt, we are one of the few online t-shirt printing providers in Singapore to offer both DTG printing and DTF printing in our t-shirt printing services. If you’re unsure which printing method to go with, do not hesitate to contact us by calling 9457 7551 or emailing As there are no minimum orders, we can accommodate both small-scale and large-scale orders.

What Students Can Gain From Having Custom Class Tee Shirts

What Students Can Gain From Having Custom Class Tee Shirts

These days, it’s no longer uncommon to see students wearing their class tee shirts, so much so that the public now knows which class and year some students belong in, rather than just the school they come from. Some schools have even allowed students to forgo their uniforms and come wearing their class tee shirts on casual days. While this recent trend may raise eyebrows among the more traditional crowd, it shouldn’t be surprising that custom tee shirts are all the rage among students. Regardless if you belong to a secondary school or tertiary college, or simply want to print for a school event, custom class tee shirts are an excellent investment as they provide a host of advantages, listed below.

1. Stronger bonding

Considering everyone in the class is wearing the same tee shirts, they will feel united and have a sense of belonging in a community. This is especially important as most people spend their grown-up years alongside their classmates and schoolmates, so there needs to be camaraderie in order to triumph over several life hurdles, such as major examinations, complex personal relationships, challenging schoolwork, and many more. Essentially, a strong bond among classmates is necessary to provide a supportive environment for all students to count on each other, and having a class tee shirt can help make this happen.

2. Feel pride

Let’s say the school is hosting an academic, artistic, or athletic competition between classes, a class tee shirt can come in handy by not only offering a clear distinction between participants, but also fostering a sense of pride and solidarity in students. This sense of pride is useful in building morale, encouraging students to perform better and try their hardest to win the competition. If the class teachers were to don the class tee shirts as well, this further sends an impression that the entire class is unified by a common goal, which can either intimidate or inspire other participants.

3. Enhance student safety

Most schools conduct field trips for their students in order to provide a real-world learning experience. Whether it’s to clean up the beach for a volunteering opportunity or spend the afternoon touring a museum, school trips play a vital role in a school’s curriculum. However, despite being supervised by teachers and even parent volunteers, students, particularly young ones, still face the possibilities of danger when they are out in public, such as getting lost, separating from the group, etc. In these situations, a custom class tee shirt can hugely benefit both students and teachers.

As a custom class tee shirt helps students stand out from the crowd, they can easily spot their classmates if they are split up. Teachers can also effortlessly keep track of the students, ensure that everyone stays in a group, and have a more streamlined process for taking attendance at the start and end of the trip.

4. Comfortable uniforms

We can all agree that Singapore’s weather, at times, can make traditional uniforms feel uncomfortable and stifling. This is actually one of the main reasons why some schools have allowed their students to wear class tee shirts for special occasions like school events or specific days. Now, students can feel comfortable wearing a cotton or dri-fit polo shirt that’s more loose-fitting and airier. What’s more, they have something to look forward to as they can break away from the monotony of traditional uniforms.


If you’re requesting for a cheap class tee printing in Singapore, look no further as Direct T Shirt is the one-stop shop that can bring your custom class tee shirt to life. Being the highest-rated business based on Google Reviews, Direct T Shirt is equipped with extensive experience and knowledge in producing your printed designs quickly and efficiently. There are also no minimum orders, and customers can choose from a wide range of t-shirt printing methods, from Silk Screen Printing to DTG printing.

Why You Should Choose Cotton For T-Shirt Printing

Why You Should Choose Cotton For T-Shirt Printing

Fun fact: do you know that cotton accounts for roughly 24% of all fabrics produced around the world? This statistic shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise, considering that cotton is widely regarded as the world’s most valuable natural resource due to its benefits. You can thank its high durability, colour retention, and absorbent properties for this recognition. Therefore, cotton is one of – if not the most – popular and well-attested materials when it comes to making clothing pieces, including t-shirts.

The next time you’re looking to create customised t-shirts for your class, school event, or corporate business, you can select cotton over other well-known clothing materials, such as dri-fit and polyester, to name a few. In this article, we look at the reasons why and what you can gain from going with cotton for your next t-shirt printing orders.

1. High comfort

Everyone living in Singapore can agree to the fact that our weather can be unbearably humid and scorching hot on some days. This has led to most of us depending on lightweight and cooling materials in order to stay cool and comfortable under the heat. One of these materials is cotton, which is arguably the most suitable for the summer season and tropical weather. As cotton is a breathable fabric, it helps to direct airflow to your body by allowing air to circulate in and out of the clothing piece.

Other properties worth mentioning about cotton are its good absorption capacity. Since we’re likely to sweat under humid conditions, cotton has the ability to transmit sweat and other forms of moisture, thus keeping your skin dry for longer periods and preventing bacteria and mould from growing. All these factors contribute to making cotton-made t-shirts incredibly comfortable, not to mention feeling soft to the touch and stretchable.

2. Hypoallergenic

For those with skin allergies, you’d be glad to know that cotton is a naturally hypoallergenic material. This means that the fabric hardly ever irritates the skin and does not result in allergic reactions. Due to its safe and delicate nature, you’ll find cotton fitting for a wide range of people, including babies and young children.

3. Environmentally friendly

At a time when people are increasingly incorporating environmentally friendly practices into their everyday life, it makes sense that the clothes we wear should be sustainable as well. Fortunately, cotton is a plant-based fibre grown in a way that has less impact on the environment, does not produce excessive amounts of wastage, and requires fewer resources as compared to other materials. While different kinds of cotton have varying degrees of sustainability, they’re, at the minimum, biodegradable and renewable. As such, if you’re interested in going green in fashion and reducing your carbon footprint, cotton t-shirts and garments are the way to go.


At Direct T Shirt, we offer cotton t-shirts in a variety of sizes and colours. Whether neutral shades like black and grey are more your thing or you’ll like to be bold with vibrant colours like magenta and lime green, we have everything from sizes 2XS to 3XL. However, that’s not all, as our comprehensive t-shirt printing services extend to printing customised t-shirts through various printing methods. Aside from operating as an online t-shirt printing shop with the highest-rated reviews on Google, you can also find us at 1016 Geylang East Ave 3, #04-147, Singapore (389731).

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